
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Adopting Linear Wireless Sensor Networks for Border Monitoring Literature review

Adopting Linear Wireless Sensor Networks for Border Monitoring - Literature review Example Any gap or monitoring loose within the borders might cause a severe damage to security of that country. In modern times the border patrolling has become a challenge and requires high degree of accuracy. It is a matter of national security and safe borders make up for safer cities. In past the border monitoring was conducted through manual means of physical check posts or the placing of an entire military unit. Technology has made things easier. The best form of border surveillance involves minimal human intervention which comes in form of installing of wireless sensor networks that detect the motion in the vicinity and respond accordingly. The border monitoring is done in various forms through use of technology. It is either done in form of satellite monitoring, or the cameras attached to the sensors, or in form of towers and other material being installed across the borders which serve as concrete obstacles and at times are contained with explosive materials. However these all need some sort of improvements and there is margin for increasing the efficiency on the borders. There are many existing systems that meant to be for border monitoring starting from fence and wall to very complex systems such as There is emerging interest in developing intelligent border monitoring systems to help countries protect their citizens Modern monitoring systems have much more demanding requirements: Large, busy and complex landscape, the use of heterogeneous technologies, the real-time acquisition and interpretation of the evolving landscape; instantaneous flagging of potentially critical situations in any weather and illumination conditions Real-time monitoring of landscape Variable topography: coastal plains, high mountains, dune, and large deserts. Existing Systems: Helios – Sponsored by British company Fotech Solutions. It consists of fiber-optic cables, lasers & detectors. Hellios is being implemented and proposed for surveillance across Southern Arizona borders in specific and other parts of America as well. It has number of features that separate it from the other existing border surveillance devices. It minimizes the hassle of wires, has considerably larger scale and accuracy along with synchronization with the G.P.S. GPS based Surveillance System: Global positioning system can either operate independently or in collaboration with the sensor networks. In the first case, through the satellites, the motion can be detected, and traced into forward positions, and in case of sensor networks, the alarms are being sent through the nodes which are tracked through the G.P.S devices and they enable further tracking of material across the no go areas. The use of GPS based surveillance system can be extended to the internet and HTTP protocol which will enable finding the record in the data base and hence reach the exact details of individuals. A general characteristic of G.P.S based surveillance system is the ability to detect weapons and other metal based material which might not be traced through conventional forms of surveillance devices. They enable identifying and detecting the movement done from the starting point and hence and tell what might be hidden inside the vehicles and other covered parts of the caravans in form of the business and trade goods that normally go pass the borders(Haggerty, 2010). Change detection Phenomena: This mode of the border monitoring system involves capturing and recording of image and information of a particular place at two different instances, mostly done through a satellite that monitors the activity and place constantly and records any difference that has occurred in a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in Military Personnel Essay Example for Free

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in Military Personnel Essay Post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) is defined as a psychological disorder which arises from life-threatening experiences; affecting the physical or emotional state of the individual. Examples of these experiences are motor accidents; natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and the like; man-made tragedies such as plane crash and hijacking; abusive experiences in childhood; traumatic personal experience such as rape or torture; and violent military associated events. The symptoms associated with this disorder include those homologous to anxiety attacks or depression. The patient will also experience sleeping problems, emotional numbness, psychological catatonia, lack of affection for other people and even aggressiveness. One outstanding symptom of PTSS patients is avoidance of specific places and situations that is associated to the primary cause of the disorder. Since these will trigger memories related to their traumatic experience, it is of utmost importance for them to avoid any contact and encounter with these scenarios. Also, the patient usually has recurrent flashbacks or hallucinations of this particular, damaging event (University of Virginia Health System, 2007). Post traumatic stress syndrome can be observed in a varied class of individuals: regardless of sex, age, culture or economic status. In short, PTSS can be observed in any kind of character, given enough dose of traumatic experience. In the United States, the percentage of the population affected by PTSS is estimated to be between 1% to 12%. It was estimated that around 7. 7 million Americans are suffering from PTSS and that 30% of individuals who were in war-stricken areas will suffer from PTSS (University of Virginia Health System, 2007). In specific classes in society, PTSS is observed to occur at 0. 2% in post partum women, 18% in fire fighters, 34% in adults involved in vehicular accidents, 48% in female rape victims and 67% in prisoners of war. (Lange, 2000) In this paper, the impact of this phenomenon will be studied on military personnel: the factors contributing to the advent of the disorder, the statistics of military personnel with PTSS, the medical intervention and treatment used for PTSS and the effectiveness of the treatment used by the military to cure PTSS. History of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in the US Military: Various Wars through the Years Post Traumatic Syndrome in military personnel was correlated with a number of pre-military, military and post-military factors. These three pertain to the background of the soldier before joining the military, the activities one engaged in as a military personnel and one’s life after military service. For pre-military risk factors, some of these were emotional instability, age of entry into the military, past child abuse, minority status, socioeconomic status, substance abuse and years of education. For military risk factors, these were degree of atrocities witnessed or participated in of a soldier, combat exposure, captivity, injury in combat and danger threatening the soldier’s life. Post-military risk factors, on the other hand, include time of discharge from the military, substance abuse, available social support and socioeconomic status (Bremmer, 2005). Post traumatic stress syndrome was first observed in war veterans who were assigned in the war against Vietnam during the 1980’s. This was the first time the scientific and psychological community acknowledge this disorder. Since PTSS was not yet known to the world, it was initially called battle fatigue and shell shock (University of Virginia Health System, 2007). In this war, it was estimated by the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Survey (NVVRS) that 15. 2% of male veterans and 8. 1% of female veterans; 479,000 out of 3,140,000 and 610 out of 7,200, respectively; were diagnosed with PTSS during a two year study in 1986. In terms of delinquency observed in these Vietnam War veterans, almost half of male soldiers who were diagnosed with PTSS were arrested or jailed at least once after their diagnosis. The percentage of those who were convicted was estimated to be at 11. 5%. In 2004, there were around 161,000 veterans who are still receiving PTSS disability compensation from the government. But even before this decade, military men and women had already suffered from war-related disorders. In World War II, it was estimated by the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that in every 20 deployed military, there was one individual who suffered PTSS-related symptoms such as irritability, nightmares and flashbacks. The actual number of PTSS affected soldiers was estimated to be at 25,000 based on the number indicated by the Department of Veterans Affairs back in 2004. These soldiers were still receiving PTSS disability compensation from the department during this time. A prisoner of World War II’s (POW) tendency to developed PTSS was also investigated by various studies long after the war was over. According to Speed, 50% of those who were involved in WW II developed PTSS a year after the war and 29% still developed PTSS even after 40 years (Speed, 1989). Meanwhile, in terms of recovery, Klusnik determined that among the 188 POW who suffered PTSS, only 36 of them had recovered from the disorder (Klusnik, 1986). If the war between Korea and the United States will be considered, the approximate percentage of soldiers who suffered PTSS is around 30%, according to an independent study by a Korean researcher. The Persian Gulf War back in 1991 is also noteworthy to mention. This war was also an avenue for soldiers to suffer post traumatic stress syndrome. In 1999, a study conducted by Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found out that among the 697,000 soldiers deployed to this war, there was an increasing number of soldiers who were suffering from the disorder. Initially, the rate of PTSS development for men and women were 3% and 8%, respectively. But after 18 to 24 months of returning to the United States of America, the rate increased from 7% to 16%. In the recent years, wars launched against Iraq and Afghanistan were enough reasons for the government to revive studies focusing on PTSS and its impact on the soldiers deployed to this heavily-bombarded countries. In Afghanistan, it was showed that 18% of the 45,880 soldiers deployed to this country suffered some kind of psychological disorder (PD), while the number of PTSS cases reached 188. In Iraq, from the 155,000 US soldiers in this country, 20% were diagnosed with PD and 1,641 were with PTSS. Women personnel who were affected with this disorder was from 8%-10% (Epstein Miller, 2005). When these data are combined, 46. 4% of soldiers sent to Iraq and Afghanistan suffered PTSS in 2007, totalling to 40,000 cases in a five-year period. The distribution of the cases is as follows: for the Air Force-2,476; Army-28,365; Navy-2,884; and Marines-5,641 (Morgan, 2008). Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Military A special division of the US government is devoted to treating PTSS patients, and this is the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Through the years, since the late 1970’s, VA had developed programs that continuously monitor and improve the state of soldiers once they return to their home country after being deployed in a war-stricken zone. There are three approaches that the department uses in order to achieve this goal: one, through outpatient approach; two, through varying length inpatient stay; and three, through residential care. These ways vary in the length of stay of the PTSS cases in the medical facility. Some of the treatments given to the cases were group counselling, educational support and psychological assessment of the soldiers. It was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the length of stay of a PTSS patient in the facility. Since the duration of the soldiers in the treatment facility is equated to monetary costs, it was recommended that treatment not be prolonged, since the same results will be achieved with shorter treatment duration (Broschat, 1998). Another form of treatment for this disorder came from the military itself. In the core’s training program, each soldier is taught how to recognize post traumatic stress syndromes among themselves and among their comrades. This program is called the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (PTSD/MTBI) Chain Teaching Program, with the main objective of putting the knowledge and power in the soldiers themselves in order to take care of one another (U. S. Army Medical Department, 2007). Summary and Conclusion Since time immemoria, post traumatic stress syndrome was observed to plague war combatants since World War II. In every conflict that the United States government engaged in, there was the inevitable rise of PTSS cases documented. From The Persian Gulf War, to the Korean War, to the latest invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, soldiers continuously suffered from this disorder in an increasing fashion. Post traumatic syndrome is a serious problem faced, not only by military personnel, but also by the government. With an increasing number of PTSS cases through the years in every war launched by the government, there is also an increase in the corresponding amount of budget to be used for the treatment and rehabilitation of the soldiers. With this, it is imperative that this disorder be given enough attention and support from those in authority. Soldiers are the backbone of the country’s security. Without them, invasion by foreign and local enemies is likely to happen. But defence without psychologically sound soldiers will not be possible. Therefore, for a land to be secured and safe from any threat, the well-being of soldiers must be valued, thus, post traumatic syndrome must be answered with utmost urgency.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gender Roles in Society Essay -- Sociology Gender Sex Dominant Essays

Gender Roles in Society Since the beginning of time men have played the dominant role in nearly every culture around the world. If the men were not dominant, then the women and men in the culture were equal. Never has a culture been found where women have dominated. In â€Å"Society and Sex Roles† by Ernestine Friedl, Friedl supports the previous statement and suggests that â€Å"although the degree of masculine authority may vary from one group to the next, males always have more power† (261). Friedl discusses a variety of diverse conditions that determine different degrees of male dominance focusing mainly on the distribution of resources. In The Forest People by Colin Turnbull, Turnbull describes the culture of the BaMbuti while incorporating the evident sex roles among these â€Å"people of the forest†. I believe that the sex roles of the BaMbuti depicted by Turnbull definitely follow the pattern that is the basis of Freidl’s arguments about the conditions that determine vari ations of male dominance. Through examples of different accounts of sex roles of the BaMbuti and by direct quotations made by Turnbull as well as members of the BaMbuti tribe, I intend on describing exactly how the sex roles of the BaMbuti follow the patterns discussed by Freidl. I also aim to depict how although women are a vital part of the BaMbuti culture and attain equality in many areas of the culture, men still obtain a certain degree of dominance. Friedl argues that â€Å"the source of male power among hunter-gatherers lies in their control of a scarce, hard to acquire, but necessary nutrient-animal protein† (263). This is proven by the people of the BaMbuti since they do in fact rely on the hunter-gatherer method which is a process where the people depend on wild plants and animals for subsistence. Although the women of the BaMbuti culture contribute a substantial amount to the hunting process by foraging for mushrooms and nuts and by driving the animals into the net, the men actually kill the animal and distribute it among the tribe. Turnbull states that â€Å"survival can be achieved only by the closest co-operation and by an elaborate system of reciprocal obligations which insures that everyone has some share in the day’s catch† (107). According to Friedl this distribution obligates others to the hunter and â€Å"these obligations constitute a form of power or control over others, both men and... ... to the degree of dominance held by men in the BaMbuti culture. Although this degree might not be extremely high and women do acquire a certain level of equality with the men, the patterns expressed by Friedl in â€Å"Society and Sex Roles† are consistently followed throughout Turnbull’s book, The Forest People. The Forest People is a great example of the patterns expressed by Friedl in her article. Friedl’s hypothesis that men tend to dominate based on the amount of resources distributed and on the division of labor based on sex is proven through the actions of the BaMbuti people. The present dominance that exists by men in nearly every culture is one that is likely to continue for many years if not forever. Friedl suggests that â€Å"as long as women spend their discretionary income from jobs on domestic needs, they will gain little social recognition and power† (269). She proposes that the only way women will attain equality is to â€Å"gain access to positions that control the exchange of resources† (269). If in fact women do continue to gain these higher positions, then male dominance may eventually become obsolete and egalitarianism may one day become the basis of industrial societies.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln as Wartime Leaders Essay

There are both similarities and differences between President Abraham Lincoln, leader of the Union, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, as leaders during the conflict of the Civil War. These two war heroes lived parallel lives at birth. Both native Kentuckians, Abraham Lincoln was born February 12th, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky and Jefferson Davis was born June 3rd, 1808 in Christian County, Kentucky. Both Lincoln and Davis were born in a log cabin and each moved away from Kentucky at a young age and grew up in a different state. Lincoln moved to Indiana when he was seven and grew up on the edge of a frontier. Davis also moved away from Kentucky as a small child and grew up in Mississippi. Early in life, Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis followed similar paths however their educational experiences were very different. Lincoln had little formal teaching; however he read avidly having taught himself. Jefferson Davis, on the contrary, had a very good formal education. He attended Transylvania University in Kentucky until he was sixteen when President Monroe appointed him to a military school. He successfully graduated from West Point military academy as a Second Lieutenant. Davis’ first active service was in the United States Army in the Northwest which lasted for six years. He was involved in several battles in the Black Hawk War of 1832 as leader of his regiment. Correspondingly, Lincoln got into the military by enlisting as a militia captain during the Black Hawk War defending the state of Illinois. As the militia captain, Lincoln made an honorable and respected name for himself however he did not see any combat during his brief time in the Illinois militia. Although they got their starts in military service very differently, Lincoln and Davis were both directly involved in the military before they were pulled into the political scene. Politically, Lincoln found a home with the Whig party where his vision for the nation focused on improving all aspects internally, including commerce, industry and transportation. He would concentrate on these ideals until the 1850s when he accepted the fact that slavery was contributing to the downfall of America (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln – Early Political Career†). Davis, on the other hand, spent a good deal of time reading about political philosophy and political economy, and entered as a Democrat. His logical approach to the difficulties facing the nation focused on the rights of the states, an ideal which he held for his entire political career (NNDB). The differences in their political backgrounds and military beginnings helped to shape these men into the leaders they grew to be during the Civil War. After the Black Hawk War, Jefferson Davis married Miss Knox Taylor, Zachary Taylor’s daughter, and resigned from the army. In contrast, Abraham Lincoln studied law and campaigned for Illinois State Legislature after the war. Lincoln met and soon after married Mary Todd in Springfield, Illinois where he was studying to become a lawyer. He became an attorney in 1836 when he obtained his license to practice law. Lincoln was a successful and fantastic lawyer who presented a massive amount of knowledge about the law and had an impeccable way with his speech. Even so, he was not elected as a State Legislator the first time he ran, and it was not until his second time running that he won, and in 1834 served as a Whig. Jefferson Davis, however, led a dramatically different life during the years following his first military service than Lincoln. Three months after marriage, both he and his spouse, Knox, acquired malaria and unfortunately his wife did not make it. Davis, now a widower, retired to a plantation in Mississippi where he supervised the production of cotton and studied political science. In 1843 he came to the great conclusion that he should put his diligent studies to use and enter the political field. Davis ran for the Mississippi House of Representatives as a Democrat, but lost the election in his first attempt, similar to Lincoln.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of ‘Icarus’ by Christine Hemp Essay

In the poem â€Å"Icarus,† Christine Hemp uses literary devices to convey that a father-son relationship can be problematic. Hemp pulls a twist on the original myth, and retells it in Icarus’ point of view. Her version of the myth shows that Icarus wasn’t very fond of his father Daedalus; however Daedalus didn’t realize that Icarus wanted to be free. â€Å"bound by the string†¦for years to untie TO I didn’t know†¦to return† (#14 and 15 TO 16 and 17) This quote portrays the emotion Icarus feels towards his father by the use of irony. At this point, the reader understands that Icarus had to deal with Daedalus with only the hope of exiting the prison, but once free he longs to be away from his father. Christine Hemp threw a new strand of emotion into the mix by showing that Icarus wanted to be free; as doing so, he caused a catastrophe. â€Å"Poor Daedalus, his mouth an O below, his hands outstretched to catch the rain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (#18 and 19) This excerpt shows diction, which illustrates Daedalus’ innocence with the words ‘poor’ and ‘O below’. Hemp also tried to show the difference between Icarus and Daedalus by using asyndeton. â€Å"my clumsiness with figures, father’s calm impatience, cool logic, interminable devising.† (#8 and 9) This shows Icarus’ reasons as to why he doesn’t like Daedalus, and why he tries to be better than his father. Since Daedalus is clueless, he couldn’t prevent Icarus’ death; now the reader can infer that Daedalus will have a life of sorrow and regret, without knowing the truth. Hemp’s use of the devices diction, irony, and asyndeton help the reader further understand the myth in a way the original myth couldn’t.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Several Research Questions On The Causes Of WWI

Several Research Questions On The Causes Of WWI World War One Account for the feelings of hostility towards the Austria-hungry Empire by Serb nationalists in 1914: Austria was what stood in the way of progress of the Serbian nation. Serbia was a direct threat to the survival of the multinational Austrian Empire and for that reason Austria felt it necessary to thwart Serbia's plans for growth and development. The Serbs desired more land, especially a coastline with an all important sea port, Austria denied them this by, in the peace treaty of 1912, creating a new country between Serbia and the coast, Albania. Austria also had Imperial control over several Slavic states, to which she denied national self-determination. The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria in 1908, and the subsequent threat of war by the Empire had also been a major factor in creating the hostility between the two sides.Assess the extent to which Germany provoked the war of 1914: The Actions and policies of Germany before 1914 were largely provocative towards the other powers of Europe and thus a major factor in the build-up to war.britain - bretagneWith the Accent of a new Kaiser, Kaiser William II to the throne and the retirement of Chancellor Bismarck Germany embarked on a series of aggressive reforms and developments to her foreign policies. Kaiser Bill himself was threatening to the other leaders. His proud, militarist and power-hungry features, caused him to be viewed in a questionable light and the policies he instigated for Germany caused the same reaction. Central to the foreign policies of Germany was Weltpolitik (world policy), which involved the move from a continental power to a world power through colonial and naval expansion.Chancellor Bismarck had prevented Germany from threatening the other Empires by her foreign policies but it wasn't long before Germany's determination for a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Problems with Parallelism

5 Problems with Parallelism 5 Problems with Parallelism 5 Problems with Parallelism By Mark Nichol 1. â€Å"It was a serious distraction and threat to more meaningful reform efforts.† Something is wrong with this sentence. To diagnose the problem, remove one of the noun phrases from the beginning of the sentence and determine whether the remaining statement is still correct, then replace it and remove the other one. â€Å"It was a serious threat to more meaningful reform efforts† is correct, but â€Å"It was a serious distraction to more meaningful reform efforts† is jarring because the preposition is not idiomatically appropriate. The noun phrases are supported by different prepositions, so they cannot share the word to; assign the correct preposition to each one: â€Å"It was a serious distraction from and threat to more meaningful reform efforts.† Should the word threat be preceded by the article a to make it parallel with distraction? No, because serious applies to both nouns, and an additional article would isolate threat from the shared adjective. Also, the phrase â€Å"and threat to† appears to be parenthetical, but it’s not necessarily necessary to set it off by commas, parentheses, or em dashes. However, enclosing it in parentheses suggests a whispering insinuation, and using em dashes would signal a provocative interjection, so the context might merit either parenthetical strategy. In either case, though, threat should be assigned a repetition of serious â€Å"It was a serious distraction from (and a serious threat to) more meaningful reform efforts† or a distinct adjective (â€Å"It was a serious distraction from and a grave threat to more meaningful reform efforts.†) 2. â€Å"Elected officials and activists representing forty-five environmental groups attended the event.† When two or more nouns or noun phrases follow one or more adjectives (as in the previous example), the assumption is that the modifying word or words applies to each noun. In this case, however, the subject consists of the elements â€Å"elected officials† and â€Å"activists representing forty-five environmental groups† linked by a conjunction, not â€Å"elected officials (representing forty-five environmental groups)† and â€Å"(elected) activists representing forty-five environmental groups† joined by and. To clarify this distinction, recast the sentence: â€Å"Activists representing forty-five environmental groups, as well as elected officials, attended the event.† 3. â€Å"He has to be, if not the, one of the stupidest people in TV news.† The basic statement here is â€Å"He has to be one of the stupidest people in TV news,† but the writer has failed in an attempt to suggest the superlative as well, awkwardly implying also that â€Å"he has to be the stupidest person in TV news.† (The superlative is the ultimate form of an adjective, more extreme than the basic form stupid, in this case – and the comparative, stupider.) But â€Å"if not the† collides with â€Å"one of the†; the unstated and incorrect complete thought is, â€Å"He has to be the stupidest people in TV news.† To smooth out this disjointed sentence, introduce the superlative first in a complete thought, and then retreat to the milder criticism in a following modifying phrase: â€Å"He has to be if not the stupidest person in TV news, then one of the stupidest.† Note that a comma does not follow be, because doing so would imply that two commas are necessary to set â€Å"if not the stupidest person in TV news† off from the basic sentence â€Å"He has to be then one of the stupidest,† and that’s a faulty grammatical analysis. This sentence is constructed from a simple â€Å"if, then† foundation, so use a single comma to separate the two propositions. 4. â€Å"He kept a house there as well as homes in rural Oxfordshire, England, and Miami.† This sentence implies that the subject kept three additional homes: one in Oxfordshire, one in England, and one in Miami. (It also incorrectly suggests that, as in the second example above, a single adjective applies to all nouns that follow.) What the writer meant, as we determine momentarily which is one moment too late is that one additional residence is located in Oxfordshire, England, and another is in Miami. When one or more â€Å"city, state† or â€Å"city, nation† constructions are associated with a â€Å"city† reference, the sentence must be revised to clarify the hierarchy of referents. One solution is to distance the two objects with proprietary prepositions: â€Å"He kept a house there as well as homes in rural Oxfordshire, England, and in Miami.† Another, clearer choice is to do so but also place the simpler referent first: â€Å"He kept a house there as well as homes in Miami and in rural Oxfordshire, England.† 5. â€Å"The company was to be paid between $300 and $400 million.† This â€Å"you know what I meant† bungle is inoffensive but incorrect, and should be corrected on principle because a similar but more egregiously ambiguous construction would definitely merit revision, so why be inconsistent and excuse one but not the other? The two figures in question are $300 million and $400 million, and for the sake of clarity, the first instance of million should not be elided: â€Å"The company was to be paid between $300 million and $400 million.† The same principle applies if the range is separated by the word to: â€Å"The company was to be paid $300 million to $400 million.† However, when the sentence does not apply to orders of magnitude â€Å"Compliance ranged from 50 to 75 percent† the operative word need not be repeated, because no ambiguity about the relation of the first number to the second one exists. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the Future75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†When to use "an"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience

English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience According to the UK Annual Bullying Survey 2017, 53% of 10 000 people aged between 12-20 years old have been bullied at some point in their life. They experienced verbal or physical bullying, cyberbullying, social exclusion or extortion. In fact, this type of conflict is so widespread nowadays that encountering it on daily basis isn’t surprising for anyone. Some American states have even adopted laws against bullying while the UK even doesn’t have a legal definition for it (but conducts surveys and researches on the issue). Man showing business graph on wood table Anyway, we bet you understand the seriousness of the issue. But we aren’t here to explain you something that you are well aware of. We want to tell you about therapeutic effects of writing a bullying essay. If you or your friend has ever been bullied, you always can use this approach to deal with the trauma. It Improves Your Health According to the research conducted by James W. Pennebaker, an American social psychologist, people who write about their negative emotional experience demonstrate a visible improvement of health – they visit physicians more seldom, their immune systems become stronger and some chronic illnesses recede a bit. It seems like magic, but it really works this way. It Uplifts Your Mood Long-Term Though the process of writing about the traumatic experience is quite tough as reported by the participants of the research, the aftereffect is a long-term improvement of mood and overall well-being. Writing lowers stress by allowing people to get their problems off their chest and look at them objectively, like from a distance. This way they can soberly reflect upon the impact of this negative experience and relieve some pressure. It’s like NZT-48 from Limitless! Do you remember Eddie Morra from Limitless who came across NZT-48 pills? After taking these drugs, he turned into a completely different person. Although this movie is a figment of talented Niel Burger’s imagination, the effects of NZT are pretty real and can be achieved by writing about the negative experience. Adults who described their traumas and problems in journals or notes got jobs quicker, students improved grades and started to skim classes less. They began socializing more and feeling more successful. It’s Better than Talking or Working out If you want to compare talking and exercising with writing in terms of therapeutic effects, writing pulls off a win. Why? Because the thing is in the cognitive outcome – when you translate experience into written language, you can see the story from the perspective of the observer and contemplate over it more. However, combining writing with working out and talking sessions brings much more results than using these methods separately. Writing bullying essays have much greater benefits than getting good marks for the topic you are good at. If you have ever experienced an act of bullying or you have a friend who suffers from it (even if it happens seldom), try or advise spilling everything out on the paper or Word document. You’ll be surprised by the result. Anyway, if you experience troubles in writing a paper on bullying topics, contact our English essay writing service right now.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Job Analyses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job Analyses - Assignment Example This is because job analysis takes a deep look into what constitutes a given job. The quality of a company’s workforce is determined by the extent to which workers are accustomed to their jobs. The customization process is essentially spread across attraction, selection, and retention of employees. The hiring and firing process within an organization follows the set human resource goals and objectives. In a real-world situation, job analysis is employed as a vital strategy of enhancing human resource practices within an organization. The ultimate concern for any given employer is whether or not his/her workforce will be competitive and productive enough. This concern is accounted for through job analysis for hiring purposes. Essentially, job analysis informs the design of attracting, selecting and retaining quality talent (Anthony, Kacmar, & Perrewe, 2010). Even with the underlying strengths of this approach, its shortcomings cannot be ignored. Aligning job analysis with the hiring and firing policies could conflict one or more aspects of human resource. Notably, job analysis makes it possible for a company to bring on board a team that best suits its overall

Friday, October 18, 2019

McDonald's Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

McDonald's Corporation - Essay Example No wonder, McDonald’s Corporation every year rakes in revenues worth billions of dollars. At the foundation of this impressive international expansion and mind boggling profitability lays the unique and customized marketing strategy of McDonald’s Corporation. Over the years, McDonald’s Corporation has evolved a highly versatile and resourceful marketing strategy to promote its products. McDonald’s is a corporate concern that believes in customizing its marketing efforts and brand strategy to suit the local markets. Therefore, it resorts to an innovative mix of apt marketing planning and execution, effective brand management and evolution and strategic creativity (McDonald’s Corporation 2009). Hence, the overall marketing strategy of McDonald’s has always been an assorted blend of catchy advertising and promotional, media publicity, in-store marketing, public relations initiatives, etc (McDonald’s Corporation 2009). The primary objective behind the marketing strategy of McDonald’s is to forge a meaningful and long lasting relationship with its customers. In its expansion history, McDonald faced several unique issues that were often specific to the local arenas in which its restaurants were located. The forte of the company has been its ability to realign its marketing strategies to accommodate the local concerns and issues. For example, in 2003, McDonald had to face a unique situation in Europe and particularly the UK, when its sales figures started dwindling owing to the rising customer concerns over obesity and health problems associated with fast food consumption (Marketing Week 2005). The situation desperately required an innovative and fresh approach towards marketing. McDonald responded to this challenge by coming out with timely, integrated marketing campaigns revolving around â€Å"music, sport,

Australian Uni Important assignment(Minitab17 required) Assignment

Australian Uni Important (Minitab17 required) - Assignment Example tion between whether there are any pre-school children in the household and the likelihood of the household renting DVDs from a DVD rental service in a typical week (PreSchoolers and Rental). The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Ecolabel of the Nordic countries and was established in 1989 by the Nordic Council of Ministers.The Nordic Ecolabel evaluates a products impact on the environment throughout the whole life cycle. The label guarantees among other things that climate requirements are taken into account, and that CO2 emissions (and other harmful gasses) are limited.The "Swan" symbol, as it is known in Nordic countries, is available for a large number of product groups. Companies can obtain the right to use the Nordic Ecolabel on their†¨product via a licensing process. Environmental criteria, performance criteria and quality and regulatory criteria must be satisfied. A Nordic Ecolabelled bakery is a bakery that has been awarded a Nordic Ecolabel licence subject to strict requirements that cover the entire business. Criteria are set on ingredients, energy use, packaging, transport, cleaning chemicals, the working environment and waste management. A Nordic Ecolabelled bakery must ensure that the manufacturing of the bread has a low environmental impact from a life cycle perspective. This applies to the baking as well as the supplier chain. One of the requirements is that the total energy use in the bakery’s production processshould not exceed 1.50 kilowatts per hour per kg. Another is that at least 95% of the palm oil used in the bakery must be certified according to a standard that includes balancing financial, ecological and social interests and this standard must promote and contribute towards sustainable forestry agriculture. A study of Bread Basket Bakeries, a chain of Nordic bakeries, found that the average amount of energy used in their bakeries follows a normal distribution with a mean of 2 kilowatts per hour per kgand a standard deviation of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Behaviour in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Behaviour in Organisations - Essay Example Transactional leaders differ from transformational leaders, in the fact that they do not seek to transform the future. The aim of the transactional leader is to preserve the extant state of affairs (Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013, p. 358). Transactional leadership is of great value in addressing crisis and emergency situations, and in completing projects in some specific manner. The Trait Theory of Leadership presumes the presence of inherited traits among people, and that some of these traits are especially suited to leadership. Effective leaders possess specific characteristics, and great leaders have certain common personality traits. This theory attempts to identify the physical, mental, and personality features associated with successful leadership (Chartered Technofunctional Institute, 2013). For several years, the trait theory had been ignored and it had been assumed that situational and learned factors were of greater significance than inherited traits among individuals accomplishing leadership roles. Subsequently, behavioral genetics has emphasized that genes and inherited traits have a significant effect on the individual (Warrilow, 2014). It is this writer’s opinion that leaders are made and not born. Upon assuming that leaders are born, most of their children would have become great leaders. This does not transpire. Hence, leaders are crafted by the situation and not hereditary. It has been concluded by researchers that successful leadership emerges from the interaction between the situation and the characteristics of the leader. This interaction has been regarded as the key to understanding leadership, in conjunction with the crucial situational and trait variables (Fleenor, 2006, p. 832). In the contemporary business world, it is essential for a company to possess the creative ability.  

How to write a catchy beer ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to write a catchy beer ad - Essay Example Ballard tells of the search for a memorable phrase, a hook that would catch on like the memorable ads that we always associate with a brand name. The music that the team of Evanston and Godsey provided seemed the perfect match with the simple phrase "...and twins". The advertisement was centered on the things guys like and was highlighted by the addition of sexy, buxom twins. The author explains the ads success is based around the simple beginnings of what guys like, accented by good music, and produced with humor. Ballard contends that it was the humor that set this advertisement apart from dozens of others and catapulted the twins into our pop culture memory. If rule number one in advertising is to know your audience, Coors Light hit a home run with this spot. The advertisement in inundated with the things that their target age group finds appealing. It relies on cars, sports, dogs, humor, and the concept that two is better than one. They were able to mesh these ingredients into an advertisement that would quickly be associated with beer. Coors was also able to handle the political correctness of sex in advertising with their attitude of using sexy not sex to sell their product. By adding enough light humor, just enough to make the guys appear a little silly, they were able to deflect the issue of women as sex objects and warrant the ad acceptable to women and girlfriends. Advertising, as a science, dwells on peoples response to an image or sound in an effort to portray things that are pleasant and appealing. The pictures need to be something we are compelled to look at. The music must be memorable, with a hook that echoes in your head days after you hear it for the first time. In addition, the advertiser needs to keep in mind the target audience while not offending the innocent viewers who may be able to influence the customer. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Behaviour in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Behaviour in Organisations - Essay Example Transactional leaders differ from transformational leaders, in the fact that they do not seek to transform the future. The aim of the transactional leader is to preserve the extant state of affairs (Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013, p. 358). Transactional leadership is of great value in addressing crisis and emergency situations, and in completing projects in some specific manner. The Trait Theory of Leadership presumes the presence of inherited traits among people, and that some of these traits are especially suited to leadership. Effective leaders possess specific characteristics, and great leaders have certain common personality traits. This theory attempts to identify the physical, mental, and personality features associated with successful leadership (Chartered Technofunctional Institute, 2013). For several years, the trait theory had been ignored and it had been assumed that situational and learned factors were of greater significance than inherited traits among individuals accomplishing leadership roles. Subsequently, behavioral genetics has emphasized that genes and inherited traits have a significant effect on the individual (Warrilow, 2014). It is this writer’s opinion that leaders are made and not born. Upon assuming that leaders are born, most of their children would have become great leaders. This does not transpire. Hence, leaders are crafted by the situation and not hereditary. It has been concluded by researchers that successful leadership emerges from the interaction between the situation and the characteristics of the leader. This interaction has been regarded as the key to understanding leadership, in conjunction with the crucial situational and trait variables (Fleenor, 2006, p. 832). In the contemporary business world, it is essential for a company to possess the creative ability.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leisure and Tourism Maqnagement Project Coursework

Leisure and Tourism Maqnagement Project - Coursework Example This has implications for the events industry in general, and for the way the events industry ought to capitalize on social media trends in order to remain relevant. These developments also augur well for the industry, as they represent new opportunities that the industry can exploit in order to thrive moving forward (Neff; Smith and Zook; Kaplan and Heinlein; Agichtein et al.; Gilbert and Karahalios). Gaping holes in the marketing mix can result from events industry participants ignoring recent trends relating to the growing power and influence of social media in the lives and the finances of its customers. An understanding of the intricacies of social media as they are used to supplement or to make up the core of the important promotions and place aspects of the marketing mix can have profound implications for the events industry as a whole (Mangold and Faulds; Asur and Huberman; Xiang and Gretzel; Correa et al; Eyrich et al.; Kietzmann er al.; Thakeray et al.; Bian et al.). How does social media impact the UK events industry? What are the implications of the explosion in social media use on the events industry in the UK, as they pertain specifically to the way the industry markets itself and provides services to its customers? (Neff; Smith and Zook; Kaplan and Heinlein; Agichtein et al.; Gilbert and Karahalios). This paper aims to derive insights from recent research relating to the impacts of social media on the UK events industry in particular, and the intricacies of social media use and how such affects the way the UK industry markets itself and provides services to its customer bases (Neff; Smith and Zook; Kaplan and Heinlein; Agichtein et al.; Gilbert and Karahalios). There is the growing sense that social media is of vital importance in many aspects of businesses that have to do with facing and relating to customers, as evidenced, for instance, in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness Essay Example for Free

Pursuit of Happiness Essay (The Misconception Between Success and Happiness: UNCOVERED!) From a very young age, we are taught that achieving specific milestones of success – getting good grades or even best if we can, getting into a famous university, having a prestigious career or title, having a certain amount of money saved in the bank, living in the perfect dream house, marrying the right person according to our personal perspective, and having talented or well-behaved kids later on will make us happy. The frustrating truth is that none of these things have anything to do with happiness, not even one. Right from the beginning, we have been confused that achieving these goals will bring us forth to the doorway of happiness. It has been inducted into our minds that the attainment of these milestones is the pursuit of happiness, but at the end of the line, we only got success – not happiness. For those who are contented to being just successful, let me ask you, â€Å"What happens when you reach the goal that you have been setting for?† â€Å"Do you feel really happy, elated, and ecstatic?†. . . â€Å"If yes, then for how long?† â€Å"How long do or could you maintain that heightened and elevated feeling of euphoria after you reach your goal?†. . . For most of us, the answer would probably be â€Å"very long,† but without the biases and cover-ups, the answer is really â€Å"not that much long.† Let us just say – a day, a week, or even a month or more. Then, â€Å"What happens when those feelings fade?† It would just appear that you are not that much pleased to have reached your goal, but not because the goal loses some of its meaning. It is just that we consider the part of achieving to being our happiness. And once the moment of achievement passes, we would be looking for the next goal, the next achievement, and the next pursuit of success – not happiness. In other words, we seldom spend time basking in the satisfaction of what we have achieved or what we already have before achieving anything. We tend to set another goal, and then the next, and the next. Sometimes it may feel that you will just become happy â€Å"when. . .† And when that condition is met, you will later find out that you are not really happy at all, at least not for that much long. Then you start looking for the next goal to pursue. This is a description of the pursuit of success – a false definition of happiness that depends on a never-ending string of  achievements. We can even pursue achievements that have little long-term meaning or even those that endures for a lifetime – a degree or title, but these secular goals will still not bring us to profound happiness. For those who are already having second-thoughts about being contended to being just successful, you might ask me, â€Å"So, what is happiness anyway?† or â€Å"What is my definition of happiness?†. . . For me, â€Å"It is not really that sense of euphoria; it is not pleasure, but something larger, deeper, emphatic, yet fundamental.† In other words, happiness is less an event and more an ongoing state of mind, and a way of focusing on the larger picture – the journey, the quality, and the essence of experiences. It is often about defining your values and purpose, and staying true to them. To increase your level of happiness, you do not need more â€Å"happy moments,† rather, you need a more positive outlook on all moments – a sense that t hey are part of the tapestry of a life well-lived, that they are consistent with your nature, that they are mirrors of who you really are. The greater truth is that success does not create happiness, but happiness can create success. Think about people who seem to attract success – not the ruthless competitors, but the ones you just naturally want to be around. Those people who seem to bring others up, those who find an opportunity in any circumstance, and those who are contented or even passionate about pursuing a personal goal. Given the choice between pursuing achievements to become happy and finding inner happiness and letting success come to you, which do you think is more successful? There are, of course many ways to have both achievements and happiness. The mistake is in assuming that success or achievement alone will bring you happiness. When achievements are connected to your core values, then happiness is built into your achievements – for achievements alone for their own sake seldom lead to happiness and often feels like an addiction for over-achievers who keep looking for that next goal in the hopes that it will be soul-satisfying and lead to ever-lasting happiness. Actually, the secret to happiness is not at all related to setting goals and achieving them. Happiness is a state of mind that allows you to be contented and appreciate each moment for what it brings, and to increase it by honoring your personal core values and purpose. The good news is that you can create happiness in almost any circumstance, even with the very basic and most natural situation. There is no really a need for us to set our goals to  things so far, all we have to do is appreciate the things we already have. Being satisfied for what we have may not bring our hearts to Heaven, but being contented to what God has bestowed upon us will certainly bring Heaven into our hearts. â€Å"Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get.† – Ingrid Bergman

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Health and Safety in Health and Social Care

Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Introduction The employees as well as the other sections of an organization have to face various types of safety and health issues. The more risk of safety and health issues will decrease the confidence and the efficiency of the workers and it will decline the reputation of a certain organization. It is practicable to apply suitable safety and health policy for the organization. It should be done after considering all the relevant facts. Those factors can be understood by performing a through observation and study. The safe and secure environment should be maintained fro the employees and it is the duty of the management to take necessary steps to implement it LO-01: Implementation of health and safety legislation the social and health care center 1.1: The establishment of health and safety needs in a work place: The health and safety policy of a work place plays a major role in the organization. Poor health and safety policy of an organization will be a negative effect on the individuals, organizations and finally the society. A great attention should be paid to this subject in a social care work place where the risks of safety and health issues are very common. The effects of the issues related to health and safety can be smaller or critical. They can affect in many ways and the effects can be sufferings, injury or the death, psychological issues, financial issues, reduced productivity and low confidence. This situation leads to the destruction of the social image of the organization. Sometimes the safety related issue can be harming the development and the maintenance the business of that organization. This can be very serious when it is related to a social welfare institute. In certain cases the management has to suffer from severe financial losses. The employees must have the ability to work in a very protective and friendly environment. The relaxation can make great changes in the functioning of the organization. The organization wants to keep the employees in a good condition with performing their duties in a very relaxed manner. The well being of the employee is very essential for the employer to get the maximum benefit (Garcarz, W., 2005). The health and safety measures should be according to the expectations of the organization and they should not harm the progress of the organization. The application of suitable policy and marinating it can be a very important part of the organization and it will improve the commercial aspect of the organization 1.2 Impact of the health and safety needs on the employees and the practitioners: The management should be aware of the situation of the employees. The employees who do not perform in accordance to set guideline will face lot of problems. The employees should be trained in various types of activities related to the organization, the communication or getting correct idea about certain issues. All the problems of the formation can be reported and the other can get a clear idea about the issues and it helps the employer to get the maximum service of the employees as well as to minimize the health and safety related issues in the types of the situations and implementations. The following can be used to keep the communication regarding the health and safety issues in the organization (Fisher, A.,2005). These can be employed to inform the employees as well as it will be very useful in getting feedback of the employees as well as the customers and the practitioners of the institute. Health and Safety website of the organization Employees and modes of communication. Online employee health and safety introduction projects Employees information publications Safety manuals and Safe Work Procedures Instruction manuals and other literature. These sources can be employed according to the requirement as well as the affordability of the organization. The future improvements of the policy and other remedies can be possible if those problems are properly recorded. The management or the other responsible parties can make necessary alterations to the policy. The issues of the organization should be carefully assessed by the, these reports can be possible with the following methods. Workplace accident inspection reports Accident and incident report Health and injury and other issues management report Report of the injured workers compensation Audits of the health and safety aspect 1.3 Monitoring and review of health and safety strategies: The management is the decision making body of the organization so they are responsible fro each and every decision of the organization. The management or the employer has to perform a great task in maintaining a satisfactory standard in the health and safety condition of the entire organization (Fisher, A., 2005). The health and safety should be applied to each and every individual who is associated with the organization. He has to manage each and every aspect of the organization so that he can pay more attention to the health and well fare of the people of the organization. The management has to plan a risk free environment for the employees from various components of the place of work. Providing information, instruction, training and supervision regarding safety and health of employees The management or the employer makes the employee aware of the safety and health of the place of work. The management can offer the employees with welfare and other facilities. Preventing risks to other people at the place of work including, for example, visitors, customers, suppliers and sales representatives The employer should prevent others from falling into trouble The employer or the manger must have some remedial plans or solutions for the emergency. LO-02 Impact of health and safety requirements on customers and the work of practitioners 2.1 The effect of the risk assessment on the planning of organizational and individual decisions It is a fact that the workers who are employed in the health care sector of any country have to perform a variety of duties. Sometimes they have to perform risky and hard duties. There is the risk of contamination as well as exposing themselves to the danger. So it is a must to understand the situations that they have to face. As many of the workers are performing multitasks in the hospital, they are more vulnerable to hardships (Moonie. N.,2000). There will be danger in various activities that they perform, such as handling the patients, cleaning the place transporting and handling the medical instruments. The risks that the employee has to face can be divided into 5 types Biological risks- This is one of the most common situation. The getting exposed to several diseases and getting negative effects or getting the diseases This is one of the prominent issues a management has to answer in the process of making new changes to the system. Chemical risks. Chemicals which are used to treat cancers and other critical issues can be understood as one of the health and safety issue Physical risks– Ionization and radiation are good examples. The employees who are used to assign to handle those machines and chemicals are to be paid. such as Ergonomic risks,- the danger of getting injuries and harmed. This can be resulted in mostly handling patients. For example, patient handling Psychosocial risks– this is another r types of health and safety issue in handling violence and shift work 2.2 Analyzing the priorities of health and safety strategies: The reporting of the health and safety issues in the organization is a very important part. The relevant incident should be reported to the management in the perfect manner and the feedback can be successfully applied by the management and other policy makers to make more practicable policy in health and safety needs ain an organization. The management can get several advantages of these reports to the welfare of the organization; he can use the collected knowledge and experience in order to do several activities fro the well fare of the company Employees as well as the community (HSSCU, 2010). As the employer wanted to make the health and safety legislations more effective it should be implemented with proper planning after the identification of various connected facts. The proposed plans and ideas should be able to match the structure of the organization. It can be done in the following manner Care planning There are several types and modes of implementing policies for the organization. Most of the organizations try to create the policy while offering the maximum benefit to the employees. The wellbeing and the satisfaction of the employees are taken into the consideration. Dilemmas and challenges It is not an easy task to introduce an effective safety policy into an organization. There will be lots of dilemmas and also challenges to the management. So the policy should be considered very carefully after taking all the parties into the consideration, Own practice- The implementation of the policies can be vary from organization to organization. So the process of implementation legislation should be done according to the culture and environment of the area. Monitoring and revising. The procedures and updates should be monitored and the observations can be applied to the development of the policy. An organization can get good examples from the previous threats and drawbacks Creating a healthy and safety working environment- a safe and healthy environment can be made for various levels or categories of the employees. The management can use training programs and workshops in order to get more feedback. 2.3 Application of the safety and health policy into the place of work The management should pay a great attention to ensure the employees’ awareness of the health and safety issues. The employees should be aware of the possible dangers that they have to face as well as the customers and practitioners have to face. The process should be started with a basic level of cleanliness. They should be properly educated with proper handling of chemicals and the same keeping the environment in the perfect manner (Garcarz, W.,2005). They should be trained to dispose the garbage in the perfect manner. In that way the management will get the ability to reduce most of the health hazards in the place of work. LO-03 Monitoring and reviewing of health and safety policy: 3.1 Situation of the safety and health strategies in the place of work: There should be facilities to monitor the protective and preventive measures. This step will be useful to assess the practicability of the policy which is introduced to the organization. This should be done continuously as it can offer the best idea after certain period. The assessment should be checked over and over in order to find the most suitable version or the policy. The implementation of health and safety policy in a place of work can be very useful to all the relevant parties. The employees can get the benefit of having the freedom to work as they wish and they can perform according to the requirements of the organization without getting into trouble or putting others into trouble. The second party is the management (CIS, 2010). They can maintain the functions of the organization in a very smooth and they will be to gain more profits. 3.2 Effectiveness of the safety and health strategies: The customers and the practitioners are too getting many advantages the place of work will be a very interesting place for the employees as well as the employers. The management puts his attention on the employees, practitioners as well as the visitors to the organization. When concerning the safety and the well being of the employee, the employer should pay his attention on following. The employer must keep his duty of making a satisfactory working area for the employee. There are several duties of the employer. As there are more positive changes many customers will visit the place and the future of the organization will be very successful. 3.3 The individual contribution to the implementation: The practitioners will be able to offer their respective service in the best manner; it will be a great advantage for the business. The management should try to apply various types of strategies in order to select the most suitable one. It may take time but the final result will be very important to the organization. The each and every member of the organization should pay his or her contribution in the process of understanding and the implementation of the health and safety policy. They should take part in those training and awareness programs and should be getting themselves well educated. It is a very easy and successful task if the employees and other relevant parties are ready to move forward. 4.0 Conclusion: The health and safety plays a prominent role in an organization. It is the duty of the management to implement a suitable policy and it should offer the positive changes to the organization. In a social care organization, more attention must be paid for the health and safety factor as the employees are more vulnerable to various types of diseases as well as accidents. The policy should be changed according to the requirements of the individuals as well as the requirement of the time. This can be done by careful evaluation of the process ( Moonie. N., 2000).. The measurements of the safety and health can be utilized by the management in order to find the negative as well as positive features of the existing policy. It can be updated or changed after careful assessment. 5.0 References: AHS. (2010).Strategic Plan for Workplace Health and Safety.Available: www.albertahealthservices.cahttp. Last accessed 10/5/2014 CIS. (2010).Assessment. Com. Health and Safety in an Adult Social Care Set.Available: Fisher, A. (2005).Health and Social Care. London: Oxpord-Henemann. Garcarz, W (2005).Statutory and Mandatory Training in Health and Social Care: A Toolkit for Good Practice. -: Radcliff publishing-oxon. -. https://:www.cis-assessment.co.uk. Last accessed 10/5/2014. HSSCU,. (2007).Health Services – Information about workplace health and .Available: http//www.hse.gov.uk. Last accessed 9/05/2014. HSSCU,. (2007).Health Services – Information about workplace health and .Available: http//www.hse.gov.uk. Last accessed 10/05/2014. Moonie. N (2000).Advanced Health and Social Care. London : Oxford: Heinemann. Contribute to the developmence of healthynt and maintena. Available: http//www.ocr.org.uk. Last accessed 9/5/2014. http//www.osha.europa.eu. Last accessed 11/5/2014.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Clinton Administrations Proposal To Increase Taxes For Multinational Co

My topic is the increase if the taxes which Clinton Administration is planning. This increase in taxes will target "multinational Corporations, end the favored tax treatment of extra long term bonds", It will also raise capital gains taxes by â€Å"changing the rules for computing the cost basis of securities when they are sold at a profit†. What this will do is increase the taxes for the rich and will decrease the difference between the rich and the poor. The plan is intent on cutting the middle class tax and finance higher education (yeah right). The current tax law decreases the Federal Treasury Revenue and makes the economy less efficient or less competitive. The multinational tax would disallow multinationals to assume half of their goods are foreign even if they are made in the US. Thus they could export to a country with low taxes and thus pay less taxes. This change would bring an increase of 7.9 Billion in corporate taxes over the next 5 years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This withdraws a lot of money from the economy and may thus decrease demand for goods, as people have less money to spend. The multinationals would employ many people and with and increase in their cost (tax is a type of cost) they would be forced to decrease the average amount of wages which the their employees received. This may take the form of decreased raises, or the laying off of some people. This would thus decrease aggregate demand for goods Nationally (as Multinationals would employ people in th...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Jungle Descriptive

The Jungle As the sun rose over the horizon it awoke the jungle slowly and efficiently. Soon I could hear the morning birds chirp with all their heart and that triggered joy and excitement in my soul. A morning breeze toured the jungle making the flowers and leaves tango with rhythm and finesse as though they were experts. The lush evergreen trees stood so firm as if the roots were clinging for their very life, in the distance there was a Crystal River and a waterfall as its source.I could hear the rampaging rapids after the dip of the waterfall which slowly converted into a swift river forcefully turning at every bank. The river cut through the middle of the jungle and diverted into another as a tributary. Finally, the lions, the big boys of the jungle roared to announce their presence after their pleasant peaceful slumber after gnawing on a flavorsome gazelle the night before. The leopards however, refused to announce their presence not only because they are a conventionally shy sp ecies but to also stay under the radar so they could catch their morning meal more easily.I slowly knelt down and let my hands explore the terrain beneath me although it looked rough and sandy it was cool and comforting and after a few moments my body was persuading me not to let go, as I listened to my body trying to induce me, more and more I felt the urge not to let go I wanted to kneel there the whole day and let the sand satisfy my dry hands, but I did not let it manipulate me and slowly I started to get up. As I was getting up a chameleon caught my eye even though it was skillfully disguised, I bent down again then reached out to touch it.I could see the centre of the neck throbbing faster as I was getting closer, it was hesitating possibly thinking I was a new addition to the jungle and wanted to feed on it. It, however, did not move, as I reached its airspace I touched its skin with my bare finger tips, it felt rough and scaly. The throbbing on its neck soon slowed down as i t realized I had no interest in eating it, I slowly backed out of its airspace and stood hurriedly and once again I was mesmerized by the extraordinary view.As I observed the jungle I noticed a grape tree not too far from where I was, so I quickly dashed next to it and took a look at its beauty which put me in a day dream for about five seconds before I regained my senses. I spotted a ripe grape screaming â€Å"eat me†! I reached for the grape with all my soul, as my mouth began to water, I snatched it violently eager to please my taste buds and quickly placed it in my mouth. I let the grape roll underneath my tongue and back on top where I balanced it as my body prepared for godliness.As my mouth began to flood with saliva signaling it can’t wait any longer, I crushed the grape with my first molars and the flavor exploded as if I had set of a bomb. I could feel, taste and analyze all the different flavors and dyes as if I was a living chromatogram, my taste buds eased with satisfaction as the appetizing juice ran down my throat followed by the violet exterior. I stood there with my eyes closed, captivated by what I had just experienced and convinced that this was truly the work of God.The aroma of the vegetation of the whole jungle mixed all together and formed a smell that engulfed the air around me creating heavenly humid atmosphere. I took a deep breath in not wanting to exhale and wishing that it could be a replacement for oxygen, I could feel little drops on the tip of my nose that were tickling me. As I basked in this atmosphere it felt like I was in another dimension, and that I had escaped from this planet to paradise. As evening approached I laid back on the comforting sand witnessing the sunset which said â€Å"goodnight† to the whole jungle.The more the sun went down the quieter it became and the nocturnals would be saying â€Å"good morning† to each other and they would start preparing to catch their breakfast. The bird s were slowly returning to their nests, the lazy lions were already asleep, the lurking leopards had returned to their resting place and the sneaky serpents had swiveled their way home. Soon the sun had completely descended and the full moon appeared bright with is stars that were constantly winking at me. The whole jungle was pin drop silent; it had fallen asleep, as did I.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Effect of Single Parenting to Children Essay

Traditionally, a family is viewed to be composed of a mother, father, and a child or children. Family is also considered as a sacred that should be bind by love. In a family, the mother is tasked to take care of the child and the family while and father is responsible for the financial matter. In addition, in the conservative point of view and even practiced in the early days, a woman who bears a child out of wedlock suffers societal humiliation. In some countries, such woman is also being punished or even executed because having a son outside a marriage was considered as a sin. However, in the present era, pre-marital sex, divorce, single parenthood is highly accepted in the society. Woman and man are now liberated. In the society, a family does not necessarily require two parents. But rather, it has been accepted that family can be composed of a mother or a father and a child. Due to various factors, single parenthood cannot be prevented. The rise of the percentage of man or woman entering into a stage of single parenthood was brought about by their adventurism and liberation (Magnier). According to research, there are two out of ten women who are single parent (Magnier). The number is also increasing due to various factors. Consequently, a single parent affects the development of the child. The overall development of a child would certainly be affected when reared by a single parent. As to financial matter, there is tendency that needs and wants of the child will not be provided by the single parent. Notably, one of the advantages of having a complete family is that the mother and father are partners in sustaining the financial needs of the family. In a single parent family, the economic deprivation would create stress and strain not only to the parent but also to the child (â€Å"Single Parent Families- The Effects on Children. †). As a result, the child would develop self-pity and have a tendency of being rebellious if his needs and wants are not given. More importantly, through problem in income, the single parent may not be able to provide proper education and healthcare to the child. The economic status of the single parent greatly affects the development of the child. According to research, a considerable percentage is composed of single parent. Since the single parent hardly provides a good life to the child, the tendency would be to live in an inferior and populated housing system (Bornstein 110). As a consequence, the child would be exposed to a deteriorated and dangerous neighborhood (Bornstein 110). Exposures to such kind of neighborhood would increase their tendency of engaging in illegal activities or commission of crimes. Additionally, both sociologist and psychologists believe that a child of a single parent experiences difficulties in his or her emotional and psychological adjustment (Bornstein 109). The child’s school performance and educational attainment is likewise affected (Bornstein 109). The child experiences difficulties because of his or her exposure to criticism, ridicule, and discrimination. It is noteworthy that as the child grows, he is exposed to a wider social environment. Among children, their mental capability of understanding the issue is not clear because they believe that a family is composed of a mother and a father. Single parenthood would create in their minds several questions that will eventually make them conclude that a child of a single parent is pitiful and disgraceful. These prove that single parent is more susceptible to societal predicaments. The societal problem will instill in child’s mind an unwanted emotional state. The child of a single parent has also the tendency of entering into marriage at an early age, pre-marital sex, drug abuse, gangs, and other societal problems. Moreover, the child would likely become more aggressive and rebellious as a result of the discriminations he or she may suffer (Magnier). In some children, they may develop inferiority as they find it hard to compete with others in many aspects. Although the aggressive or rebellious behavior of the child may not appear at an earlier stage, such may be developed as the child grows. Hence, it is necessary for the parent to guide the child’s development. As to educational aspect of the child, the absence of a father or a mother greatly affects the child’s performance. In school, there are activities that require the presence of the parents. But, in the case of a child having a single parent, cooperation in such activities would be impossible. Among the effects includes higher absentee rates at school, higher dropout rates, lower level of education, and engagement in delinquent activities such as drug addiction and alcohol abuse (â€Å"Single Parent Families- The Effects on Children. †). If these continue as the child grows, the child may end up to nothing and be involved in criminal activities. From the above stated, it is clear that single parenthood extensively contributes to the development of the child. The mental, emotional, physical, psychological, and social aspect of the child is impaired by the nature of the family he or she is exposed to. As the child grows, he or she is exposed to discrimination because of having a single parent. In addition, the child is deprived of the feeling of having a father or a mother. Significantly, a child demands a lot of things and becomes inquisitive as he or she grows. As a consequence, the single parent would deny or make excuses until the child stop asking. However, on the part of the child, a mental and emotional state would be developed. Furthermore, the child would become a society’s problem if not properly reared by the parent. Hence, in order to prevent the negative consequences of a single parenthood on the child, it is necessary that the parent should exert every effort in guiding the child as he or she grows. Works cited Bornstein, Marc H. Handbook of Parenting: Being and Becoming a Parent. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Magnier, Jenny. 14 March 2007. â€Å"The Effects of Single Parenting on Children. † Ezine Articles. 7 April 2009 < http://ezinearticles. com/? The-Effects-Of-Single-Parenting-On-Children&id=488617>. â€Å"Single Parent Families- The Effects on Children. † 2008. Marriage and Family Encyclopedia. 7 April 2009 .

Target Financial Analysis

Juan A. Torres Rodriguez D01596038 Mini Case Assignment Target Corp. started in 1902 as Dayton’s Dry Goods company. At 1911, Dayton’s Dry Goods is renames as Dayton Company, and commonly known as Dayton’s Department Store. In 1946 Dayton’s Department Stores started giving the community back 5% of their pretax profits, a practice that Target Corp still maintains. During the 1960’s Dayton’s create a new kind of store to appeal the masses called Target, opening the first Target store in the Twin Cities on May 1, 1962. The industry sector in which Target Corporation competes is in the retail sector reaching the $62. 7 Billion in sales. As mentioned above, Target competes in the retail sector, which makes the operating risks of the company mainly focused on customer’s perceptions, differentiation of brand, and anticipating consumer preferences to boost their sales, gross margin and profitability. If we take a look at Target’s 10K, th e first risk factor they mention is the ability of differentiate the business from other retailers by creating attractive value propositions through a careful combination of price, merchandise assortment, convenience, guest service and marketing efforts.Another risk that all companies in this sector face is the macroeconomic condition of the country and the impact this has in their consumers. This lead us to the financial risk the company might have. One of the financial risks we have to consider in any type of company is the debt to total capitalization ratio. Based on financial information of their 2011 report, we can calculate the debt to total capitalization ratio in the following manner: Total debt: 15,726 million Total stockholder’s equity: 15,487 million, therefore: 15,726 / 31,213= . 50 or 50%Comparing their debt to total capitalization ratio with industry average, Target’s is too high. The industry debt to total capitalization ratio is 0. 36. Comparing the fin ancial information of previous years Target went from 0. 58 in 2009 to 0. 52 in 2010, to 0. 50 in 2011. Overall, Target is improving significantly their debt to capitalization ratio, but still has some work to do. In regards of Target stock, currently they don’t have any preferred stock outstanding, just common stock. Target’s common stock is traded in the NYSE as TGT. The price of it’s common stock as of today is $62. 0, going up 0. 06 points. Target’s cash dividend yield on the Common Stock is 0. 0192 = 1. 92% = 2. 0: Cash dividends declared per share: $1. 20 Current stock price: $62. 50 Cash dividend yield= 1. 15 dividends declared/ 62. 50 stock price = 1. 92 = 2. 0 Target’s market capitalization is: 668. 4 million shares issued and outstanding x $62. 50 of stock prices = 41. 8 Billion Continuing with Target’s capital structure, if we look at Target’s liabilities section: Short portion of Long-Term Debt = $3. 3 Billion Long-term de bt = $15. 2 Billion Therefore the total debt for Target would be: . 3 B + 15. 2 B = 18. 5 Billion Dollars Taking the previous calculation of Targets market capitalization of 41. 8 the total capitalization would be: 18. 5 B + 41. 8 B = 60. 3 Billion, or: 31% Debt 69% Equity As of November 18, 2012, Target’s current beta is . 48. Now if we would like to calculate what would be Target’s new beta without the long-term debt (unlevered beta) we need to use the Hamada formula for the unlevered beta bu= b/ [1 +(1-T)(D/S) bu= . 48 / [ 1 + (1-34. 3%) (18. 5/40. 6)] bu= . 37 If Target would not have any long-term debt, its beta would be of . 7. Moving to Target’s current Marginal Tax Rate, according to the Income Statement found at Target’s annual report, the rate is 34. 3%. In order to calculate Target’s Cost of debt before and after taxes, we need to look for the bonds issued by a corporation. Since Target has not issued bonds, I took the cost of a long-ter m debt due in 2020 as my example. The rate of that long-term debt is 3. 875%. This would be the Cost of debt before any taxes taken. Now to calculate the Cost of Debt after tax, we need to proceed with the following calculation: 3. 875 ( 1 – 34. %) = 2. 545875 As mentioned before, Target doesn’t have any preferred stock. We can calculate the Cost of Equity using the Risk Free Rate of 3. 00% and a Risk Premium of 7. 5% points. Using the new beta of . 48 we can determine what is the Expected Total return by Common Stockholders: rRF = 3. 00 rRP = 7. 5 b= . 48 Cost of Equity = rRF + (rRP x b) =3. 00% + (7. 5% pts x 0. 48) = 0. 066 ? 6. 6% Given the dividend yield of 2. 0 we can also determine the Expected annual appreciation of Target’s Common Stock: 6. 6% Total Return – 2. 0 Dividend Yield = 4. % of E. A. A. With the previous information calculated we could proceed and calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital: wd = 31% ws = 69% rs = 6. 6% rd = 3. 875% Tax = 34. 3 WACC = wd ( 1 – T)rd + ws(rs) =31% ( 1 – 34. 3%) 3. 875% + (69% x 6. 6%) = 0. 053432 = 5. 3432% One of the last things used to evaluate in order to consider investing in a company is its Price Earnings Multiple. Target’s Price Earnings Multiple is calculated the following way: Stock Price= $62. 50 Earnings Per Share = $4. 50 P/E = Stock Price / EPS = 62. 50 / 4. 50 = 13. 89If we compare Target’s P/E ratio with Wal-Mart, which is in the same industry, (14. 03 P/E), Target’s P/E is within ndustry. http://finance. yahoo. com/q/bc? s=TGT+Basic+Chart&t=5y This chart was retrieved from Yahoo! Financial. In here we can see the performance of Target’s Stock (TGT) during the past five years. In 2008 Target’s started at approximately $55. 00; looking at 2009, the stock plummeted from the 60’s to the mid 20’s, which reflects the market crash. After this episode in the economy we can see that Target’s stock has re covered significantly.After performing the calculations, Target’s capital structure is optimal. However, the debt to capitalization ratio is high, at 50%. Target needs to lower its Long-Term Debt. Comparing Target’s debt to capital to the industry average, the industry average is 0. 36. However I would invest in Target. I think I would have an advantage over outsiders, because I used to work at Target Corporation. Target is a company that is constantly growing, and their sales demonstrate their market advantage over other retailers. What convinced me to invest into Target mostly was the P/E ratio.Comparing it to a corporation like Wal-Mart, which is really successful, Target’s P/E ratio is acceptable and attractive. References 1. Scovaner, Douglas A. (2011). Target 2011 Annual Report. Retrieved on November 18, 2012: https://corporate. target. com/annual-reports/2011/images/company/annual_report_2011/documents/Target_2011_Annual_Report. pdf 2. Stock Analysis on n et. (2012). Retrieved on November 18, 2012. http://www. stock-analysis-on. net/NYSE/Company/Target-Corp/Ratios/Long-term-Debt-and-Solvency#Debt-to-Capital 3. Retrieved on November 18, 2012 http://ycharts. com/companies/TGT/pe_ratio 4.Yahoo! Finance. (2012). Retrieved on November 18, 2012. http://finance. yahoo. com/q/bc? s=TGT+Basic+Chart&t=5y ——————————————– [ 1 ]. https://corporate. target. com/annual-reports/2011/images/company/annual_report_2011/documents/Target_2011_Annual_Report. pdf, page 5. [ 2 ]. http://www. stock-analysis-on. net/NYSE/Company/Target-Corp/Ratios/Long-term-Debt-and-Solvency#Debt-to-Capital [ 3 ]. https://corporate. target. com/annual-reports/2011/images/company/annual_report_2011/documents/Target_2011_Annual_Report. pdf, [ 4 ]. http://ycharts. com/companies/TGT/pe_ratio

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Five Guys Burger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Five Guys Burger - Essay Example This has helped the food chain beat other fast food cafes to become one of the leading cafes in USA. Five Guys Burger is guided by the philosophy that if someone is going to sell burgers and fries in a restaurant in an industry crowded with fast food chains selling burgers and fries, then they better do the products better than anyone else (Kurtz, 2012). They believed that they were in the business to sell burgers and the customers were the most important part of the business.They believed that the customers were favoring them by giving the five guys an opportunity to serve them. This helped the owners develop over 250,000 ways of ordering burger in order to reach the maximum number of customers. The chain produces burgers from freshly ground beef, which is never frozen. They also filled their menu with fat-free products, which have attracted preference from several customers. The original aim of the food chain was to provide healthy burgers and fries to customers, which would also b e ordered easily. The entrepreneurs introduced ingredients that were fat free and used meat that was not frozen (Longenecker, 2012). This created the need for fresh food that drew several customers. The food chain also targeted customers from all age groups. They introduced food that caters for the taste and preference of every person, including vegetarians. Serving customers was also part of their core values and they introduced thousands of ways of ordering burgers and fries. Customers receive unlimited free refills of their drinks and are served with peanuts as they wait for their orders to be processed (Motz, 2008). These aspects have made Five Guys Burgers a preferred source of fast food compared to other restaurants. Their burgers are larger than those of competitors and they have introduced naked pizza that is prepared locally. Food products such as burger buns are prepared at the stores from scratch to ensure freshness. Freshness is a major factor that has led to success for Five Guys Burgers. The food chain utilizes natural ingredients to prepare the burgers and fries. Potatoes are peeled in the stores and buns are prepared by the chefs from scratch (Rust and Raffetto, 2010). They utilized whole grain crusts, hormone-free meat, and fresh vegetables to prepare their food. Customer service has also contributed to success for the Five Guys Burger. The owners have developed applications for their phones that enable them to access customer invoices at any time and from any place. Technology has introduced several ways of ordering burgers and fries from the food chain at any location. Customers receive refills and peanuts as tokens as they wait for their orders, a move that has established the food chain as the most favorite among other restaurants. The activities of Five Guys and other local fast food restaurants have made competitors such as KFC and Mc Donald lose part of their market share. Five Guys and other locally established burger places give custo mers a better value for money, which has increased pressure on global competitors. Five Guys restrains from using frozen and dehydrated products for customers in order to set its taste apart from competitors. A business organization has to set itselfapart from competitors in order to gain a competitive advantage. Five Guys consider the customer to be the best sales man, a strategy that is not incorporated in other restaurants

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Exploring Types of Literature Creatively Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exploring Types of Literature Creatively - Essay Example bsorbed herself in the bewitching moonlight, an idea floated in her mind, which compelled her go inside to bring the mobile set with her on return to the courtyard. She sat under the moon, and dialed a number and waited for the reply from the other side. Michael: (in a pleasant mood) â€Å"O no, never never my doll-like Eve, it is my pleasure that ye called me and remembered me even at late hours of night, when moon has spread its jubilance and mirth everywhere.† Eve: â€Å"OK, but it is his routine to keep sleep as soon as he enters his house, which is not fair at all. When one has been blessed with a comely and handsome wife, why shouldn’t he enjoy while making love with her?† Eve: (in a bit shy tone) : â€Å"You; you are the only obstacle on my way†¦.. Neither had you the courage to express your feelings before me, nor do you want to take me in the deep valleys of merry-making, you are just a selfish man.† Eve (soliloquy): â€Å"I couldn’t understand my relationship with Michael; being James’s wife, it is not fair to get involved into emotional or physical relationship with any other man, but if husband is unable to pay due heed to his charming wife, then she has every right to have connection with some other, even beyond her marital-knot, in order to soothe her mental and physical demands; I am a young and graceful lady, after all†¦.. (Pause) Eve: (again soliloquy) â€Å"How magnificently Michael admires my intellect, my imagination, my thoughts and my apparent charms, which James is unable to do. I really feel gratification, satisfaction, pleasure and recreation while sitting with him, in his arms, making fun, laughing, chatting, kitting jokes and shares all woes and worries of my life. I have no conscience to prick me stop meeting to Michael, as he is my companion, my love and soul-mate; so, I will never consider it as a sin, and will satisfy my desires till he is with me.† (In the meantime, she receives Michael’s message, where he informs her

Monday, October 7, 2019

Body Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Body Image - Essay Example Teenage girls tend to view their bodies critically and may hold negative self-perceptions about their physical appearance. Teenage girls are much more likely than teenage boys to question their attractiveness. This negative self-concept is especially likely to be manifest as dissatisfaction with body shape. Girls in their early teens, or even among those who are younger if they achieve puberty early, frequently express dissatisfaction with their body size and appearance (Williams & Currie, 2000). The emergence of body image concerns is important because it may be associated with the appearance of disordered eating patterns. This is especially worrying when it occurs in early teen years that are in crucial period for physical growth. The more dissatisfied young girls are with their bodies, the more likely they are to undereat, with implications for their health and well-being. Males, in contrast, usually take a different view of their bodies. That is not to say that boys and young men are unconcerned about their body image, but rather than wanting to be thinner and more attractive, many males want to be more muscular with greater bulk. For males, this represents greater power. Whereas girls' self-concepts of attractiveness stem primarily from physical attractiveness, boys' self-concepts are linked to perceptions of physical effectiveness. Analyses of advertising content in

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Aniconism and the Multivalence of Emblems Assignment

Aniconism and the Multivalence of Emblems - Assignment Example Huntington has her own view on this question. She believes that many of the images associated with Buddha's absence—such as an empty throne—are in fact intended to mean something else. The empty throne, for example, was intended to represent the â€Å"sacred nuclei of worship† at religious sites and not the fact of Buddha's absence on that throne (Huntington, 402). Her new research suggests that inscriptions on these images indicate that many of the so-called images are more quotidian representations of sacred sites. Vidya Dehejia has a different view of these questions. He believes that scholars have overlooked the double-meanings of many words in the ancient scripts. He thinks that someone like Huntington has been too literal. He admits that some scholars have gone too far in their interpretations, but that some images do indeed depict the absence of Buddha. He suggests that the emblems of many images â€Å"may carry different meanings in varying contexts† and that scholars should be sensitive to this (Dehejia, 64). The debate over the absence or presence of Buddha in early Buddhist art is a fascinating one. Both scholars present convincing arguments. Whether we will ever know the truth remains an open question.   

Friday, October 4, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reading Response - Essay Example only nighttime visit was permitted, but brief that it could not fill the parental bond effective for raising a child plagued by the torments of slavery. One day he sees the whipping of Aunt Hester by master Antony; a scene that eventually prompts him to move to Baltimore (Douglass 18). The move is a turning moment because it frees Douglass from becoming a slave forever. He starts participating in antislavery campaigns that champion the rights of those still held in the South. Three episodes are central to Douglass in his quest to gain freedom and help other fellow slaves escape the bondage. For instance, the first episode involves the acknowledgement of being slave. Douglass’s decision to take a decisive action emanated from his slavery predicament that exposed him to beatings by his masters such as Mr. Covey. Similarly, the humiliation and fatigue of being overworked in the field plantations features prominently in his life and this prompts his to seek ways of escaping the suffering. This is because Douglass wishes to have a life better than slavery that is only possible in the North. Alternatively, slave identity convinces the narrator on the need to address the matter amicably through freeing other slaves first before taking any action. The second episode is the urge to seek education for emancipation and empowerment in fighting for the thriving slave trade in the South. This transformation occurs after Douglass has moved to Baltimore, Maryland under the ownership of his new mistress called Mrs. Sophia Auld. Unfortunately, this noble venture comes with numerous challenges such as the strong disapproval by Mr. Auld. He rightly knows that an educated slave would become sad and worse, wild. This act, however, affirms Douglass’s zeal to learn how to read and write because it is sanctioned by his master. In other words, he learns that education is tied to liberation especially after comprehending the word ‘abolition.’ Going North and beginning the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Cover Note Essay Example for Free

Cover Note Essay The Relation of Science and Religion is a transcript of a talk given by Dr. Feynman at the Caltech YMCA Lunch Forum on May 2, 1956. In this age of specialization men who thoroughly know one field are often incompetent to discuss another. The great problems of the relations between one and another aspect of human activity have for this reason been discussed less and less in public. When we look at the past great debates on these subjects we feel jealous of those times, for we should have liked the excitement of such argument. The old problems, such as the relation of science and religion, are still with us, and I believe present as difficult dilemmas as ever, but they are not often publicly discussed because of the limitations of specialization. But I have been interested in this problem for a long time and would like to discuss it. In view of my very evident lack of knowledge and understanding of religion (a lack which will grow more apparent as we proceed), I will organize the discussion in this way: I will suppose that not one man but a group of men are discussing the problem, that the group consists of specialists in many fields – the various sciences, the various religions and so on – and that we are going to discuss the problem from various sides, like a panel. Each is to give his point of view, which may be molded and modified by the later discussion. Further, I imagine that someone has been chosen by lot to be the first to present his views, and I am he so chosen. I would start by presenting the panel with a problem: A young man, brought up in a religious family, studies a science, and as a result he comes to doubt – and perhaps later to disbelieve in – his fathers God. Now, this is not an isolated example; it happens time and time again. Although I have no statistics on this, I believe that many scientists – in fact, I actually believe that more than half of the scientists – really disbelieve in their fathers God; that is, they dont believe in a God in a conventional sense. Now, since the belief in a God is a central feature of religion, this problem that I have selected points up most strongly the problem of the relation of science and religion. Why does this young man come to disbelieve? The first answer we might hear is very simple: You see, he is taught by scientists, and (as I have just pointed out) they are all atheists at heart, so the evil is spread from one to another. But if you can entertain this view, I think you know less of science than I know of religion. Another answer may be that a little knowledge is dangerous; this young man has learned a little bit and thinks he knows it all, but soon he will grow out of this sophomoric sophistication and come to realize that the world is more complicated, and he will begin again to understand that there must be a God. I dont think it is necessary that he come out of it. There are many scientists – men who hope to call themselves mature – who still dont believe in God. In fact, as I would like to explain later, the answer is not that the young man thinks he knows it all – it is the exact opposite. A third answer you might get is that this young man really doesnt understand science correctly. I do not believe that science can disprove the existence of God; I think that is impossible. And if it is impossible, is not a belief in science and in a God – an ordinary God of religion — a consistent possibility? Yes, it is consistent. Despite the fact that I said that more than half of the scientists dont believe in God, many scientists do believe in both science and God, in a perfectly consistent way. But this consistency, although possible, is not easy to attain, and I would like to try to discuss two things: Why it is not easy to attain, and whether it is worth attempting to attain it. When I say believe in God, of course, it is always a puzzle – what is God? What I mean is the kind of personal God, characteristic of the western religions, to whom you pray and who has something to do with creating the universe and guiding you in morals. For the student, when he learns about science, there are two sources of difficulty in trying to weld science and religion together. The first source of difficulty is this – that it is imperative in science to doubt; it is absolutely necessary, for progress in science, to have uncertainty as a fundamental part of your inner nature. To make progress in understanding we must remain modest and allow that we do not know. Nothing is certain or proved beyond all doubt. You investigate for curiosity, because it is unknown, not because you know the answer. And as you develop more information in the sciences, it is not that you are finding out the truth, but that you are finding out that this or that is more or less likely. That is, if we investigate further, we find that the statements of science are not of what is true and what is not true, but statements of what is known to different degrees of certainty: It is very much more likely that so and so is true than that it is not true; or such and such is almost certain but there is still a little bit of doubt; or – at the other extreme – well, we really dont know. Every one of the concepts of science is on a scale graduated somewhere between, but at neither end of, absolute falsity or absolute truth. It is necessary, I believe, to accept this idea, not only for science, but also for other things; it is of great value to acknowledge ignorance. It is a fact that when we make decisions in our life we dont necessarily know that we are making them correctly; we only think that we are doing the best we can – and that is what we should do. Attitude of uncertainty I think that when we know that we actually do live in uncertainty, then we ought to admit it; it is of great value to realize that we do not know the answers to different questions. This attitude of mind – this attitude of uncertainty – is vital to the scientist, and it is this attitude of mind which the student must first acquire. It becomes a habit of thought. Once acquired, one cannot retreat from it any more. What happens, then, is that the young man begins to doubt everything because he cannot have it as absolute truth. So the question changes a little bit from Is there a God? to How sure is it that there is a God? This very subtle change is a great stroke and represents a parting of the ways between science and religion. I do not believe a real scientist can ever believe in the same way again. Although there are scientists who believe in God, I do not believe that they think of God in the same way as religious people do. If they are consistent with their science, I think that they say something like this to themselves: I am almost certain there is a God. The doubt is very small. That is quite different from saying, I know that there is a God. I do not believe that a scientist can ever obtain that view – that really religious understanding, that real knowledge that there is a God – that absolute certainty which religious people have. Of course this process of doubt does not always start by attacking the question of the existence of God. Usually special tenets, such as the question of an afterlife, or details of the religious doctrine, such as details of Christs life, come under scrutiny first. It is more interesting, however, to go right into the central problem in a frank way, and to discuss the more extreme view which doubts the existence of God. Once the question has been removed from the absolute, and gets to sliding on the scale of uncertainty, it may end up in very different positions. In many cases it comes out very close to being certain. But on the other hand, for some, the net result of close scrutiny of the theory his father held of God may be the claim that it is almost certainly wrong. Belief in God – and the facts of science That brings us to the second difficulty our student has in trying to weld science and religion: Why does it often end up that the belief in God – at least, the God of the religious type – is considered to be very unreasonable, very unlikely? I think that the answer has to do with the scientific things – the facts or partial facts – that the man learns. For instance, the size of the universe is very impressive, with us on a tiny particle whirling around the sun, among a hundred thousand million suns in this galaxy, itself among a billion galaxies. Again, there is the close relation of biological man to the animals, and of one form of life to another. Man is a latecomer in a vast evolving drama; can the rest be but a scaffolding for his creation? Yet again, there are the atoms of which all appears to be constructed, following immutable laws. Nothing can escape it; the stars are made of the same stuff, and the animals are made of the same stuff, but in such complexity as to mysteriously appear alive – like man himself. It is a great adventure to contemplate the universe beyond man, to think of what it means without man – as it was for the great part of its long history, and as it is in the great majority of places. When this objective view is finally attained, and the mystery and majesty of matter are appreciated, to then turn the objective eye back on man viewed as matter, to see life as part of the universal mystery of greatest depth, is to sense an experience which is rarely described. It usually ends in laughter, delight in the futility of trying to understand. These scientific views end in awe and mystery, lost at the edge in uncertainty, but they appear to be so deep and so impressive that the theory that it is all arranged simply as a stage for God to watch mans struggle for good and evil seems to be inadequate. So let us suppose that this is the case of our particular student, and the conviction grows so that he believes that individual prayer, for example, is not heard. (I am not trying to disprove the reality of God; I am trying to give you some idea of – some sympathy for – the reasons why many come to think that prayer is meaningless. ) Of course, as a result of this doubt, the pattern of doubting is turned next to ethical problems, because, in the religion which he learned, moral problems were connected with the word of God, and if the God doesnt exist, what is his word? But rather surprisingly, I think, the moral problems ultimately come out relatively unscathed; at first perhaps the student may decide that a few little things were wrong, but he often reverses his opinion later, and ends with no fundamentally different moral view. There seems to be a kind of independence in these ideas. In the end, it is possible to doubt the divinity of Christ, and yet to believe firmly that it is a good thing to do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you. It is possible to have both these views at the same time; and I would say that I hope you will find that my atheistic scientific colleagues often carry themselves well in society. Communism and the scientific viewpoint I would like to remark, in passing, since the word atheism is so closely connected with communism, that the communist views are the antithesis of the scientific, in the sense that in communism the answers are given to all the questions – political questions as well as moral ones – without discussion and without doubt. The scientific viewpoint is the exact opposite of this; that is, all questions must be doubted and discussed; we must argue everything out – observe things, check them, and so change them. The democratic government is much closer to this idea, because there is discussion and a chance of modification. One doesnt launch the ship in a definite direction. It is true that if you have a tyranny of ideas, so that you know exactly what has to be true, you act very decisively, and it looks good – for a while. But soon the ship is heading in the wrong direction, and no one can modify the direction any more. So the uncertainties of life in a democracy are, I think, much more consistent with science. Although science makes some impact on many religious ideas, it does not affect the moral content. Religion has many aspects; it answers all kinds of questions. First, for example, it answers questions about what things are, where they come from, what man is, what God is – the properties of God, and so on. Let me call this the metaphysical aspect of religion. It also tells us another thing – how to behave. Leave out of this the idea of how to behave in certain ceremonies, and what rites to perform; I mean it tells us how to behave in life in general, in a moral way. It gives answers to moral questions; it gives a moral and ethical code. Let me call this the ethical aspect of religion. Now, we know that, even with moral values granted, human beings are very weak; they must be reminded of the moral values in order that they may be able to follow their consciences. It is not simply a matter of having a right conscience; it is also a question of maintaining strength to do what you know is right. And it is necessary that religion give strength and comfort and the inspiration to follow these moral views. This is the inspirational aspect of religion. It gives inspiration not only for moral conduct – it gives inspiration for the arts and for all kinds of great thoughts and actions as well. Interconnections These three aspects of religion are interconnected, and it is generally felt, in view of this close integration of ideas, that to attack one feature of the system is to attack the whole structure. The three aspects are connected more or less as follows: The moral aspect, the moral code, is the word of God – which involves us in a metaphysical question. Then the inspiration comes because one is working the will of God; one is for God; partly one feels that one is with God. And this is a great inspiration because it brings ones actions in contact with the universe at large. So these three things are very well interconnected. The difficulty is this: that science occasionally conflicts with the first of the three categories – the metaphysical aspect of religion. For instance, in the past there was an argument about whether the earth was the center of the universe – whether the earth moved around the sun or stayed still. The result of all this was a terrible strife and difficulty, but it was finally resolved – with religion retreating in this particular case. More recently there was a conflict over the question of whether man has animal ancestry. The result in many of these situations is a retreat of the religious metaphysical view, but nevertheless, there is no collapse of the religion. And further, there seems to be no appreciable or fundamental change in the moral view. After all, the earth moves around the sun – isnt it best to torn the other cheek? Does it make any difference whether the earth is standing still or moving around the son? We can expect conflict again. Science is developing and new things will be found out which will he in disagreement with the presentday metaphysical theory of certain religions. In fact, even with all the past retreats of religion, there is still real conflict for particular individuals when they learn about the science and they have heard about the religion. The thing has not been integrated very well; there are real conflicts here – and yet morals are not affected. As a matter of fact, the conflict is doubly difficult in this metaphysical region. Firstly, the facts may be in conflict, but even if the facts were not in conflict, the attitude is different. The spirit of uncertainty in science is an attitude toward the metaphysical questions that is quite different from the certainty and faith that is demanded in religion. There is definitely a conflict, I believe – both in fact and in spirit – over the metaphysical aspects of religion. In my opinion, it is not possible for religion to find a set of metaphysical ideas which will be guaranteed not to get into conflicts with an everadvancing and alwayschanging science which is going into an unknown. We dont know how to answer the questions; it is impossible to find an answer which someday will not be found to be wrong. The difficulty arises because science and religion are both trying to answer questions in the same realm here. Science and moral questions On the other hand, I dont believe that a real conflict with science will arise in the ethical aspect, because I believe that moral questions are outside of the scientific realm. Let me give three or four arguments to show why I believe this. In the first place, there have been conflicts in the past between the scientific and the religious view about the metaphysical aspect and, nevertheless, the older moral views did not collapse, did not change. Second, there are good men who practice Christian ethics and who do not believe in the divinity of Christ. They find themselves in no inconsistency here. Thirdly, although I believe that from time to time scientific evidence is found which may be partially interpreted as giving some evidence of some particular aspect of the life of Christ, for example, or of other religious metaphysical ideas, it seems to me that there is no scientific evidence bearing on the golden rule. It seems to me that that is somehow different. Now, lets see if I can make a little philosophical explanation as to why it is different – how science cannot affect the fundamental basis of morals. The typical human problem, and one whose answer religion aims to supply, is always of the following form: Should I do this? Should we do this? Should the government do this? To answer this question we can resolve it into two parts: First — If I do this, what will happen? – and second – Do I want that to happen? What would come of it of value – of good? Now a question of the form: If I do this, what will happen?is strictly scientific. As a matter of fact, science can be defined as a method for, and a body of information obtained by, trying to answer only questions which can be put into the form: If I do this, what will happen? The technique of it, fundamentally, is: Try it and see. Then you put together a large amount of information from such experiences. All scientists will agree that a question – any question, philosophical or other – which cannot be put into the form that can be tested by experiment (or, in simple terms, that cannot be put into the form: If I do this, what will happen?) is not a scientific question; it is outside the realm of science. I claim that whether you want something to happen or not – what value there is in the result, and how you judge the value of the result (which is the other end of the question: Should I do this? ) – must lie outside of science because it is not a question that you can answer only by knowing what happens; you still have to judge what happens – in a moral way. So, for this theoretical reason I think that there is a complete consistency between the moral view – or the ethical aspect of religion – and scientific information. Turning to the third aspect of religion – the inspirational aspect – brings me to the central question that I would like to present to this imaginary panel. The source of inspiration today – for strength and for comfort – in any religion is very closely knit with the metaphysical aspect; that is, the inspiration comes from working for God, for obeying his will, feeling one with God. Emotional ties to the moral code – based in this manner – begin to be severely weakened when doubt, even a small amount of doubt, is expressed as to the existence of God; so when the belief in God becomes uncertain, this particular method of obtaining inspiration fails. I dont know the answer to this central problem – the problem of maintaining the real value of religion, as a source of strength and of courage to most men, while, at the same time, not requiring an absolute faith in the metaphysical aspects. The heritages of Western civilization Western civilization, it seems to me, stands by two great heritages. One is the scientific spirit of adventure – the adventure into the unknown, an unknown which must be recognized as being unknown in order to be explored; the demand that the unanswerable mysteries of the universe remain unanswered; the attitude that all is uncertain; to summarize it – the humility of the intellect. The other great heritage is Christian ethics – the basis of action on love, the brotherhood of all men, the value of the individual – the humility of the spirit. These two heritages are logically, thoroughly consistent. But logic is not all; one needs ones heart to follow an idea. If people are going back to religion, what are they going back to? Is the modern church a place to give comfort to a man who doubts Godmore, one who disbelieves in God? Is the modern church a place to give comfort and encouragement to the value of such doubts? So far, have we not drawn strength and comfort to maintain the one or the other of these consistent heritages in a way which attacks the values of the other? Is this unavoidable? How can we draw inspiration to support these two pillars of western civilization so that they may stand together in full vigor, mutually unafraid? Is this not the central problem of our time? I put it up to the panel for discussion.